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J. D. Bernal
Born: May 10, 1901
Sciencean Irish scientist who pioneered the use of X-ray crystallography in molecular biologymore…Pieter van Musschenbroek
Born: March 14, 1692
Sciencea Dutch scientist. He was a professor in Duisburg, Utrecht, and Leiden, where he held positions in mathematics, philosophy, medicine, and astronomymore…Franz Mesmer
Born: May 23, 1734
Sciencea German physician with an interest in astronomy. He theorized the existence of a natural energy transference occurring between all animated and inanimate objects; this he called "animal magnetism"more…Joseph Swan
Born: October 31, 1828
Sciencean English physicist, chemist, and inventor. responsible for developing and supplying the first incandescent lights used to illuminate homes and public buildingsmore…Osborne Reynolds
Born: August 23, 1842
Sciencean Irish-born innovator in the understanding of fluid dynamics. Separately, his studies of heat transfer between solids and fluids brought improvements in boiler and condenser design.more…Benvenuto Cellini
Born: November 3, 1500
Lit.Westan Italian goldsmith, sculptor, and author. His best-known extant works include his autobiography, which has been described as "one of the most important documents of the 16th century."more…
The data is sourced from Charles Murray's Human Accomplishment database available by the Open Science Framework and from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.